Girls Rising Above Child Exploitation (GRACE) Referral Form

[email protected]


GRACE serves youth and TAY ages 12-24 who have been trafficked, exploited, or at-risk.
Please mark below the services the youth and/or family are interested in.

GRACE staff are NOT licensed mental or health care professionals. GRACE is not responsible for mental health services nor any physical or mental health concerns. Mental/physical health services should be sought out by the client separately, if needed.

Before making a referral, please be sure youth are aware that a referral is being made
and that they are informed of the population we serve. GRACE services are voluntary.

    Client/Guardian has been notified of referral:

    Potential Client Info*:

    Parent/Guardian Info:

    Screening Questions*:

    Referring Person's Info*:

    Referral Date*:
